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My Journal (9)

Posted by gurthbruins on Wednesday, November 16, 2011,
My Journal (9) covers the period NOVEMBER 9, 2011 to DECEMBER 27, 2011.

 If amount or type is unspecified, assume it's the same amount and type as last mentioned for that fruit.
(2) spinach = Swiss Chard.
(3) C = degrees Centigrade/Celsius
(4) F = degrees Fahrenheit
(5) % = humidity.
(6) * = each.
(7) g = grams.

Week 44: 9 – 15 Nov:

Wed 9: 2 apricots*50g, 1 peaches*150g, 2 nectarines*94g, 1 oranges*190g, 2 Pink Lady apples*145g, 1 Golden Delicious apples*173g, 4 pears*75g, 5 tomatoe...

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My Journal (8)

Posted by gurthbruins on Wednesday, September 28, 2011,

My Journal (8) covers the period SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 to NOVEMBER 8, 2011. 

 If amount or type is unspecified, assume it's the same amount and type as last mentioned for that fruit.
(2) spinach = Swiss Chard.
(3) C = degrees Centigrade/Celsius
(4) F = degrees Fahrenheit
(5) % = humidity.
(6) * = each.
(7) g = grams.


Week 37: 21 – 27 Sep:

Wed 21: 7 naartjies*62g, 3 minneolas*177g, 2 Pink Lady apples*140g, 1 pears*115g, 6 tomatoes*90g, 9 dates*4.4g, 200g spinach, 3 avocados*133g, 8 B...

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My Journal (7)

Posted by gurthbruins on Wednesday, July 20, 2011,

My Journal (7) covers the period JULY 20, 2011 to SEPTEMBER 20, 2011.

If amount or type is unspecified, assume it's the same amount and type as last mentioned for that fruit.
(2) spinach = Swiss Chard.
(3) C = degrees Centigrade/Celsius
(4) F = degrees Fahrenheit
(5) % = humidity.
(6) * = each.
(7) g = grams.

Week 27: 13 - 19 Jul:

Wed 13th: 15 naartjies*65g, 1 Crisp Pink apples*250g, 1 Packham pears*300g, 1 bananas*164g, 80g dates, 200g spinach, 450g avocados, 30g Brazils, 0.3 coconut. (...

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My Journal (6)

Posted by gurthbruins on Monday, March 14, 2011,

My Journal (6) covers the period March 14, 2011 to June 30, 2011 and beyond.

If amount or type is unspecified, assume it's the same amount and type as last mentioned for that fruit.
(2) spinach = Swiss Chard.
(3) C = degrees Centigrade/Celsius
(4) F = degrees Fahrenheit
(5) % = humidity.
(6) * = each.
(7) g = grams.

14 March 2011 - 31 May 2011: 

On 12 March I bought another set of 3 small avos for R5, which lasted me for the 12th and the 13th.
Yesterday I also finished the 140g of Brazil nu...

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My Journal (5)

Posted by gurthbruins on Thursday, March 10, 2011,

A Mental Breakthrough re Overts

I've been feeling some doubts about my beliefs re overts (high fat fruits, nuts).
Now I've revised my attitude somewhat, and am feeling much happier as a result.

I was fortunate to read the following thread on rawvegantalk a day or so ago: .
Please see my correspondence with Adam on this thread. Here's my side of it:

Thanks, Adam,f...

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My Journal (4)

Posted by gurthbruins on Tuesday, March 8, 2011,


As I have said before, this campaign has been remarkably easy so far: the decision to go raw, made in a moment of sickness, has carried me on without another thought being necessary, for over 6 weeks. Internally, in my mind, there was perfect peace and harmony. The very word 'campaign' seemed out of place. No effort was required.

A week or so ago, I was standing in the supermarket waiting for the guys to cut me up a watermelon.
My eye fell on the salad section. Su...

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My Journal (3)

Posted by gurthbruins on Monday, March 7, 2011,

During the Eighth Week of LFRV

Things are continuing almost exactly as during the seventh week.
Let's look at what I ate yesterday:
Breakfast of grapes as usual, with a tomato.
Lunch of one quarter watermelon as usual.
Supper spread over the afternoon and evening: one papino, two smallish mangoes, four or five tomatoes, one Brazil nut, half a dozen or so small sour figs.... No greens today thank you!

(sour figs - Memidex dictionary/thesaurus  20 Jan 2011 ... "sour figs" is a plural form of "so...

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My Journal (2)

Posted by gurthbruins on Monday, March 7, 2011,

My Summer Start : Report after 4 weeks:

The last week, and indeed the whole 4 weeks, have been satisfactory from 2 points of view:

1. The ingestion of harmful, cooked food has been stopped.
2. The work of elimination, the removal of harmful accumulations, is proceeding well. That could take years to complete, but already some signs of improvement are appearing:

- A partial recovery of vitality. My movements (arms, legs, body) seem freer and lighter. Hot days do not reduce me to exhaustion a...

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A Summer Start - My Journal for 2011

Posted by gurthbruins on Monday, March 7, 2011,

January 2011.

I was about 99.7% vegan during 2010.

So when people were talking about New Year's resolutions I thought: why not tighten up on strictness? Forego the occasional ice-cream cone. Refuse an offer of potato salad with delicious mayonaise on it. Aim at 99.97% vegan! Then I might still have two ice-creams in the year...

But on 12 January I woke up feeling really terrible. No apparent reason. Neuralgia in my head, a bit feverish, no possibility of eating. Maybe that's when the penny...

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Posted by gurthbruins on Friday, March 4, 2011,

I was a dedicated omni till I was 35. I was satisfied with my diet, which included everything plus a moderate amount of alcohol.
I never smoked, however.

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